

Has it really been almost a week since I’ve blogged?! That is a clear sign that i have been busier than ever! Its crazy what turns life takes. I work every day to complete the tasks that need to be done and still find myself wanting to do more. The past week has been CRRRRRAAAAAAAZZZZZZYYYY Chancho! I can’t even tell you! I had some interesting interactions this weekend. You may be able to relate with any religion you are. Here was one of mine this weekend.

Y.E.S. I am L.D.S. aka Mormon. Yes, there are a lot of members of the LDS church in Utah. Yes, we have certain values that the World may not understand. Yes, many states also have large religious denominations. ex. Southern Baptists in Mississippi. But that does not mean I should go to Mississippi and talk crap to a Baptist on why I hate their religion and bring up random untrue facts and hateful gossip!!!

Untrue Fact #1 that was thrown in my face this weekend by a ignorant woman >> “I hate Mormons. They are such hypocrites. They own the tobacco companies and the liquor companies and yet they say they don’t allow drinking and smoking!”

“Excuse me? Where are you getting this information?” I said with a complete face of ‘whatchu smokin’ lady?’

“The Mormons own the state of Utah and so they own the liquor stores and tobacco companies…” she continued.


Wow wow wow Little missie. First of all no one owns the State. The US Government runs the country and gives certain rights to the states to control their own laws. Which in turn means that we have political leaders that may or may not have religious views. No one sets a law, it is reviewed and redesigned to fit the needs of the people with voting to set it in stone. Which you have control over. We are a democracy! Welcome to Earth.

Second, if you did your research, the ratification of the Twenty First Amendment not only ended national prohibition, but it also gave individual states the right to choose their own system of controlling and distributing alcoholic beverages. The Utah legislature at that time believed that the state, rather than private enterprise, should control sales.

The purpose of control is to make liquor available to those adults who choose to drink responsibly – but not to promote the sale of liquor. By keeping liquor out of the private marketplace, no economic incentives are created to maximize sales, open more liquor stores or sell to underage persons. Instead, all policy incentives to promote moderation and to enforce existing liquor laws is enhanced.

So……… If your arguing that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints  promotes the use of Alcohol you are straight up wrong. There are eighteen states and one county in Maryland which control the sale of alcoholic beverages at either the wholesale or retail level. This accounts for nearly 1/3 of the nation’s population. These states share a common purpose – to promote moderation in the consumption of alcoholic beverages and to discourage excess and abuse.

Next, false fact that Tobacco companies are partly owned by the LDS Church. In the United States, the IRS code allows for an individual to donate stock to a non-profit organization and receive a tax deductible donation credit. Because the Church can neither control which stocks are donated, nor which stocks are in mutual fund shares that are donated, there have been times when interest in companies whose products are not in keeping with Church standards have been donated. The Church can not control that, it would be against the laws of the Country.

There have thus been instances in the past where reportable donations were made and when the church received and then liquidated the holdings as a matter of public record. Yet, this does not mean that the Church purchased stock in these companies, or had continued to profit from stock held in such companies. The Church merely received a donation, which it liquidated in accordance with its standard financial practices.

Another thing, have you never heard of the Utah Department of Health Laws? or maybe the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act? or say the Youth Access Laws or the Federal Regulations of Tobacco Sales? It’s like talking to a child when people say ignorant things like that!

I hope to hear more of these ignorant rants because it gives me a chance to prove that yes they have their opinion but unless you check your facts, your opinion in fact is eminently wrong.

Have a great Day and do your resesarch!


Ok, I can’t even believe what happened! It’s hard for me to even organize my thoughts because I’m going crazy! The thought of it is pure dumbfounds that things like this still happen! It’s ok people, I will force myself to calm down to tell you exactly what happened. Deep Breath…., and GO!

As I pull up to my quite cottage-like office building I saw New’s trucks and Camera’s an Anchors and Everything that would signify that there was something interesting going on that I apparently was seeing before the entire world does. I downed the rest of my smoothie shake I gleefully blended this morning and walked into my work. As soon as I got there my sweet-spirited and homely coding co-worker with glasses as thick as ice told me the Jewelry Store LOSEE’S had been robbed at Gun Point last night at 6:30pm!!!

This probably wouldn’t be as shocking if I wasn’t outside of Losee’s Jewelers at exactly 6:30pm LAST NIGHT!!!!I Work right next store! I left a little later last night that usual. And as I walked to my car I noticed it being extremely dark. Pitch Black in fact and somewhat creepy. I must of walked right past the Sick and Disturbed Men as they pulled their viscous guns on the humble workers. They forced them upstairs while duck taping their mouths and eyes shut. The fright that must of been going through their minds can only be imagined!

The Thieves stole thousands, maybe even millions of dollars of gold, silver, and diamonds! Still on the loose, detectives and Police are scouring the city and beyond for those evil men! They will come to justice for what they did. I am just so grateful no one was hurt. But until this is solved, I’ve got both eyes open!

I don’t think I need to remind you or the rest of the World that Twilight’s Breaking Dawn Part 1 just came out this weekend. It was a spectacle of sorts. Ranging from crazy get-ups on the news to looking at people wait in line for hours! All to get first pick at the always inviting velvet theater seats. I heard about this event for days prior from everyone I knew. It was like I couldn’t escape. I was bound to see it whether I liked it or not.

As for me, I am FAR from a Twilight fan. In fact, I have no idea what really is happening in the story. I forced myself to read the first book wondering if it was all it was cracked up to. To me it fell short. I decided against reading any more, which I am quite happy about. Then, like clock work of the money driven entertainment industry, the movies started coming out. They caught on like wild-fire and became the gossip of every woman, teenager, child, radio station, TV, friends, and co-workers.

Lets start from the beginning of my Twilight Saga. 3 years ago, as a Junior in College, I woke up to Edward staring me straight in the face as I shuffled into the living room one foggy morning. Soon after, opening day had arrived. As 5 of my best friends cheerfully galloped to the theater with their reserved tickets clutched tightly, I stayed home throwing up everything I had eaten in the past days prior. Coincidence? I think not. Thats strike one.

Strike two follows as the Twilight movie 2 “New Moon” comes amidst. For I refused to go. I was soon kidnapped, removing my blindfold after being placed in my velvet seat. I sat through it wondering why I was cursed.

It wasn’t long until it brought an all out brawl between my Team Jacob/Edward friends. I for one choose neither. It is absolutely ridiculous to choose either of them. They both lack personality and humor. Not once did either of them smile and bella looked completely depressed through out the entire movie. I will admit I was smiling every time Jacob took off his shirt… I’m a sucker for abs! Haha total pun!

On a positive note, Hollywood had found the cheesy romance as repulsive as myself and decided to do a Spoof on the Twilight Saga. It was now my turn to drag my friends to the theater! It was hilarious and exactly what I expected. They interpreted the emotionally scared characters as ridiculous as they looks. Oh simple pleasures.

Luckily I had dodged the bollut on the 3rd Twilight “Eclipse”. I moved to a new city where I knew my new friends and my Boyfriend could NOT pressure me into another Vampire vs. Wolf vs. Human vs. Ridiculousness Movie.

Thinking I was home free, I walk into a large room filled with familiar faces chanting and cheering Surprise! Almost jumping out of my pink panties I spotted HIM! It couldn’t be! Why is he here?! I thought I had escaped his grasp! Yes, standing amongst the fellow party comers stood Edward, as pale as snow. Flat as a board. In fact he was a board, a cardboard cutout! Why they thought he would like to join my party confuses me still today. He resides under my bed folded up until Halloween when i will put him in my window to scare children.

Now as told before, the 4th, not last, of the Twilight movies has come out, “New Dawn”.  Refusing with the spears of old to NOT go… I gave in. I became my own worst enemy. $10 of my hard earned money was spent on something I have been fighting against since the beginning! As I murmured through the previews “I can’t believe I’m here” feeling like a loving husband who goes to a chick flick on a friday night just to make his wife stop harassing him on not spending enough time doing what she wants. I felt the rolling of the eyes begin as the movie began. I giggled through the relentless cheesiness and stired during the intro. Then all of a sudden I was enjoying myself…. It was strange.  I even cried when Bella walked down the isle to marry her cold blooded Vampire. I started thinking to myself I wanted to marry a vampire! The rest of the movie was gruesome, romantic, and nail biting and I loved it! They made a believer out of me!

The end was a page turner and had me wanting to know what happens next. Maybe I will find myself going to the 5th not so onery. With a skip in my step I walked out of the theater with my girlfriends laughing and gawking at how attractive Edward had suddenly become. I still find Bella a frustrating character that I wish would just be normal. But I can’t have everything. We’ll see what thoughts arise as I embark on a new string of enjoyment for my blood-sucking friends. Shout out to the Indian Wolf Jacob and keep up the hard work on those abs. I most look forward to those.

Inspired by my new blog friend (blog #1) , I have decided to go through my favorite blogs and share with you where I find my inspiration to keep truckin everyday!

1. that girl whit  : Amazing person and inspiration. Positivity and inspiration flows through every post. Winning the Most Versatile Blogger award too! Congrats

2. student design blog : Her creativity and writing style astounds me every time. So funny and great artist. Goes through her trials and life goals. Good Read and great Illustrations!

3. Vanilla Ex : Best friend in the whole entire World! Love her blog because she inspires me and makes me laugh at the same time. Plus I make an appearance in many of the posts which always delights me:)

4. sarah smiles awhile : Quarky and absolutely satiracly hilarious. hits on everything that is true and makes you warm and fuzzy inside. Great blog!

5. Nest Design Studios : Amazing pictures of Interior decorating and gorgeous finds. Love it!

6. Creamy Life : I love her color pallettes and amazing interior design style! it fits me perfectly! So creative.

7. Abzeeedo : Daily Inspiration of Graphic Design and ART! My passion and heart! being a graphic Designer I find inspiration just looking through these!

8. V.S. Bjorge : Art, Graphic Design, Amazingness, ARt, graphic design, amazingness! all original work.

9. Once Wed : I dabble on this wedding blog when I feel the temptation. It actually was one of the first blogs I ever saw. Photography is sooo goooooood!

10. With Love Whit : Fashion Trends and great style ideas! I get inspired for new outfit!

11. The Concerns Of Mindy Kaling : Kelly from the office has the funnest and best blog! I cant wait to read her new book! she is hilarious! She writes the office scripts too! Look up to her talent!

12. Design Sponge : DIY Extravaganza! Anything and everything you can think of the diy and I take full advantage of it!

13. A Beach Cottage : her blog inspired me to redesign my room and gave me the love for beach cottage decor. Amazing pictures and simply amazing blog.

14. Easter Closet : The funniest guy in my ward does a dating blog! The ups and downs of the dating life! its soo funny!!!

There are so many more that I follow but here are just a few. I coudn’t put them all because it would be never ending! I wish I had time to read every blog every day but sometimes I have to pick and choose what I’m in the mood for. Today I am in the mood for photography and art. I just discovered this blog A restless Transplant and fell in love with the imagery! Pictures speak to me 1000 times more than an entire book could ever. Same with music. When someone is sweetly caressing the piano keys or opening their mouth calling for the angels from above, my eyes close and quietly tear up and Irediscover my love for life.

Art to me has everything to do with life. It is what I am, why I am, and digging deep, what makes me come alive. Relishing in one of my favorite master artists Rembrant (which I am reading a book about right now), the description of seeing through the painted eyes gives more insight then ever to have known the person. It shows the vulnerability, that only by knowing a person for some time, can see. I’m not a master painter, nor own an elaborately expensive camera, but I appreciate and crave the arts of yesterday and today! Renaissance to modern, including blogs and interactive. Its the only thing that keeps me going everyday.

I’m sure your just as confused as I am about this whole protest in New York City. I keep seeing pictures of people standing on the streets with colorful signs and posters expressing their anger and their right to free speech. But what is it for? So like you I did my research. Thanks to Wikipedia and other news outputs, here are the deets.

The protest is called “Occupy Wall Street.” Which is an ongoing series of demonstrations in New York City based in Zuccotti Park, formerly “Liberty Plaza Park”. The protest was originally called for by the Canadian activist group Adbusters; some compare the activity to the Arab Spring movement (particularly the Tahrir Square protests in Cairo, which initiated the 2011 Egyptian revolution) and the Spanish Indignants.

The participants of the event are mainly protesting against social and economic inequalitycorporate greed, and the influence of corporate money and lobbyists on government, among other concerns. By October 9, similar demonstrations had been held or were ongoing in over 70 cities.

Today OCT 13th New York Protesters are gathering outside the Kings County Supreme Court to raise awareness of the foreclosure auctions that take place there each week. (

“Every week in New York City, in all five boroughs, homes are put up for auction and sale. Speculators purchase homes at discounted rates and flip them. Banks buy back homes to balance their books, evicting the homeowners and letting the homes lie vacant.”

“Wall Street is the cause of this systematic displacement of New Yorkers. Wall Street bankers turned mortgages into “securitized instruments” and sold them for profit. Their greed demanded the creation of more and more mortgage-backed securities. Without blinking, they used predatory loans to lure homeowners into mortgages with impossible—and unseen—interest rates.”

“As we, the 99%, take action against the greed and corruption of the 1%.” (

I had no idea this even was going on! In my opinion people of America have the right to stand up to their essential leaders to make a change in the system. All a protest is is to raise awareness for others to know what issues are going on underneath their noses. This is great and I support them 100%.