

Norman Rockwell "Freedom From Want"

Thanksgiving is just around the corner you gluttony starved Americans! Time to unbutton your pants a little and let out your belt. Surprised by some, but this is one of my favorite holidays. Maybe more-so than Christmas and New Years. Why? I don’t know… It could be the gathering of people, LOTS of people (its obvious because I am such a social butterfly), the aroma of turkey gravy and stuffing, the sweet crisp of pumpkin pie crust, or the fact that simply I have a lot to be grateful for! Yes, I choose the latter! Thanksgiving food is my favorite, especially the pie, but I have so much in my life that simply can not be repaid.

I think we all kinda start reminiscing about our lives and immediate futures when approaching one of the oldest traditional holidays formed in the American colonies. If it wasn’t for those ever so gracious Wampanoag Indians back in 1621 sitting down to a hot meal with the Plymouth colonists, we would never be raising so many turkeys for this time of year.

Which by the way is simply an amazing idea. When as child did you ever ask your loving cook maid, aka mother, for a turkey dinner? I can’t remember ever doing that. Without Thanksgiving, I along with many other american children, would not even have had turkey in their diet. Due to the monotonous rhythm of life, I think it is a great idea to spice up the dinner table with our feathered friend.

This past Sunday I sat in the pulpit and listened to this very homely red headed single adult talk about gratitude. At first, being my easily distracted self, gave into the frivolous pleasures like quietly giggling with my friends, I heard something that caught my all listening ear. He was speaking about people not having the basic essentials that every single one of us take advantage of. For example fresh water, clean smelling soap, tooth brushes, shoes, a friend, carelessness, and more. The simplest things he spoke of never really enter my mind when thinking over my list of thankfulness. Like many of you, I mention my car, family, friends, home, education, the gospel, clothing, freedom, money, a job, and of course FOOD! But it isn’t until you are camping or completely out of your comfort zone in another country that you realize the basics are pretty darn great!

Just yesterday I hit another all time low. I go to work and feel completely worthless. I come home and feel completely worthless. No passion. Just boredom. Theres nothing that makes me want to jump out of bed in the morning. Nothing that makes me want to smile and look forward to the next minute in the day. I feel completely apathetic and comatose about my everyday doings. I wrote the facebook status, “I need excitement in my life… Any ideas?” and the answer I got was one word…”Sex”….. Reallly people? I can’t even do that because yes I am still unmarried!

So following the same routine when i get upset and start crying I call my mother. She reminded me all there is to be grateful for. She also gave me ideas on what I could do to keep myself busy. She says pick up a hobby! Like I haven’t already thought of that mother! haha. My recent hobbies of reading and crafting have become almost a nuisance. I then talked to my Uncle Walt, who has become almost a father in these past years, gave me a GREAT PICK-ME-UP pep talk! Reminding me again that this is just a short lull in my life, that by the time I know it, I will be so busy I won’t be able to keep up. This I am excited for!

So to bring this post to an end, I am grateful for the upcoming Thanksgiving because it couldn’t come at a better time. When life right now seems passionless and lethargic, I just remember that I have a purpose and that I am hear to show my gratitude to others.

My Thanksgiving outfit! (I go all out when its a holiday!)


Halloween Weekend is here! With the right people it could be best time of the entire year! Exquisite Costumes, silly games, warm apple cider, gooey pumpkin carving and the smell of falling leaves! October is a great month and its sad that it isn’t until the end of the month that we enjoy it at its fullest!

These are a few of my favorite things that I love so much about this season!

Hope you have a great Halloween weekend!!!!

Today I woke up 10:30am (ssshhh, dont tell anyone, I dont want people to think I’m lazy or something). Was it because I slept through my alarm? No, because I pressed the snooze botton on my phone for 2 1/2 hours. haha. I just wanted to sleep and sleep and sleep. I sleep a little too many lately. That changes starting now!

Anyway, aside from my daily babble, I wanted to show you some of my favorite things I found and am sooo excited for!

I got the new White Iphone 4S! I’ll stop jumping up and down now… I get it on Nov 4th because its on back order. I’m a little behind the times with never having an iphone but I strongly believe against just following trends. But now that everyone has one I feel a little left out:( So excited to be in the loop!

This is the iphone Cover I found that I HAVE TO HAVE! Chevron design… Sign me up!!!

I love the Office and I LOVE Kelly on The Office! She just came out with the book and I can’t wait to read! Her blog is great too!

Love this blog. What would you take if your house was burning down? I must do my own!

Challenging at times but I have to say this to myself often!

I just wanna grab his lil tooshie and kiss his lil nose!!!!

I love my new bangs! I love being told their bangin:)

Could any room describe me more?!! I Submit that it cannot! My favorite colors are diamonds, sequins and lace!

Love is a combination <3

You have to leave laughing right?! Thanks for looking at my blog! Hope you come back for more!!!

Inspired by my new blog friend (blog #1) , I have decided to go through my favorite blogs and share with you where I find my inspiration to keep truckin everyday!

1. that girl whit  : Amazing person and inspiration. Positivity and inspiration flows through every post. Winning the Most Versatile Blogger award too! Congrats

2. student design blog : Her creativity and writing style astounds me every time. So funny and great artist. Goes through her trials and life goals. Good Read and great Illustrations!

3. Vanilla Ex : Best friend in the whole entire World! Love her blog because she inspires me and makes me laugh at the same time. Plus I make an appearance in many of the posts which always delights me:)

4. sarah smiles awhile : Quarky and absolutely satiracly hilarious. hits on everything that is true and makes you warm and fuzzy inside. Great blog!

5. Nest Design Studios : Amazing pictures of Interior decorating and gorgeous finds. Love it!

6. Creamy Life : I love her color pallettes and amazing interior design style! it fits me perfectly! So creative.

7. Abzeeedo : Daily Inspiration of Graphic Design and ART! My passion and heart! being a graphic Designer I find inspiration just looking through these!

8. V.S. Bjorge : Art, Graphic Design, Amazingness, ARt, graphic design, amazingness! all original work.

9. Once Wed : I dabble on this wedding blog when I feel the temptation. It actually was one of the first blogs I ever saw. Photography is sooo goooooood!

10. With Love Whit : Fashion Trends and great style ideas! I get inspired for new outfit!

11. The Concerns Of Mindy Kaling : Kelly from the office has the funnest and best blog! I cant wait to read her new book! she is hilarious! She writes the office scripts too! Look up to her talent!

12. Design Sponge : DIY Extravaganza! Anything and everything you can think of the diy and I take full advantage of it!

13. A Beach Cottage : her blog inspired me to redesign my room and gave me the love for beach cottage decor. Amazing pictures and simply amazing blog.

14. Easter Closet : The funniest guy in my ward does a dating blog! The ups and downs of the dating life! its soo funny!!!

There are so many more that I follow but here are just a few. I coudn’t put them all because it would be never ending! I wish I had time to read every blog every day but sometimes I have to pick and choose what I’m in the mood for. Today I am in the mood for photography and art. I just discovered this blog A restless Transplant and fell in love with the imagery! Pictures speak to me 1000 times more than an entire book could ever. Same with music. When someone is sweetly caressing the piano keys or opening their mouth calling for the angels from above, my eyes close and quietly tear up and Irediscover my love for life.

Art to me has everything to do with life. It is what I am, why I am, and digging deep, what makes me come alive. Relishing in one of my favorite master artists Rembrant (which I am reading a book about right now), the description of seeing through the painted eyes gives more insight then ever to have known the person. It shows the vulnerability, that only by knowing a person for some time, can see. I’m not a master painter, nor own an elaborately expensive camera, but I appreciate and crave the arts of yesterday and today! Renaissance to modern, including blogs and interactive. Its the only thing that keeps me going everyday.

Ok stemming from yesterdays climactic event of me fuming over my little problem (Adult Acne is not a little problem!) I went for a little walk around my work. I phoned my Momma like always when I feel like I’m going to die (me being dramatic again but legit), and she calmed me down screwed my head on straight. I marched back to my desk, wiping the tears, and made a list. A list of what I want to do right now in my life! I had to come up with a way to rid myself of this mid-life-crisis!

I’m a huge planner and like any human being, I need something in life to look forward to. It makes the here and now worth working for. I’m tired of waiting for life to find me. I feel like I sit around waiting for something to happen. I want to go out and grab life by its horns (such a great analogy, thank you to the poet that gave us that)!! Here is what I came up with.

1. Go on an LDS Mission. I’ve always wanted to. The feeling of changing someones life for the better gives me butterflies! I was very close to going when I was 21, I had my papers in and everything, and then a stupid boy and the thought of eternal bliss fogged my memory. I’m 23 1/2 and by the time I get back I would be 25 years old! Even though I don’t want to let the thought of being single until I was 25 rule my life, it just scares me to death! I’m still deciding and am going to do some praying:)

2. Move to L.A. and become a big time Graphic Designer! I’ve always had dreams to move to a big city, live in a high rise, and design fresh and edgy art for clients that ate dollar bills for breakfast.

3. Run a 1/2 marathon! I can barely run 2 miles, there’s no way I can run a full marathon. So a half seems like still a lofty goal but still obtainable!

4. Volunteer in a 3rd World Country to help Children! YES YES YES! I have already decided I am doing this! As soon as the thought entered my mind I almost fell off my seat!

I have a friend that served in Uganda all summer helping children and building orphanages and inspiring more people that she can count. I want that! I have already done research and it is totally totally realistic! Summer of 2012 in Uganda, I can’t wait! But I don’t want to stop there. I want to do one over Christmas or one before the end of the year! Here are some of the sites I’ve found that you should totally check out!

Help International

Global Volunteering Network


I am sure there are so many more and I would love to see if you know of any! Please let me know!

Yes another day I wake up thinking that I am cursed! Did I not do that one good deed I knew I should of done? Or should I have slipped those couple extra dollars into my tithing envelope? Or maybe I am being cursed for not saying hi to the lonely person standing in the corner of the last party I was at? What could it be? I try and be a good person. I try and give to the poor, smile at the sad, and listen to the lonely. There are so many things I pride myself in doing yet I still find shortcomings in my everyday life.

I don’t know about you but I am not vain, but I am just personally aware of my appearance. I always like to look polished and ready to meet someone of higher status if the opportunity ever presumed itself. I seem to always run into my ex’s when I just pulled my hair back into a gross pony tail and just clothed myself with yesterdays attire. (Which rarely happens! So the fact that I run into the ex of all people looking like that has got to be a curse!)

I am a very grateful person. I spent my car ride to work this morning praying out loud for everything I cherish in life! My friends, my family, my faith in positive future comings. It all rolled off the tongue in hopes Heavenly Father would cut me this one little break. One thing that I would love more than anything in the World right now…. A CLEAR COMPLEXION!!!!!

I struggle with (dreaded and disgusting word about to vomit out of my mouth) a.c.n.e.!

A= Age

C= Can

N= Not

E= Escape

Since I was senior in high school I have covered my face with layered bangs in hopes to hide the inevitable! It attacks me like the plague on and off like the change in the seasons. The blessed year of 2010 was like honey on toast! Clear amazing beautiful glowing skin for an entire 365 days! It was the best year of my life! I was on the front cover of a magazine, I was Miss Logan 2011, I had a HOT boyfriend that made me laugh til it hurt, I was TAN, I had a bangin body, I had a Gr8 internship at Salt Lake Magazine that skyrocketed my career, and I graduated with my bachelors. All because my skin was CLEAR!!!!!! Ok and maybe a few other things… But when you have clear skin you feel like you are on top of the world!

Then 2011 hit and Adult Acne decided to show its ugly face, literally!


I had to get up and walk around because I got so heated!!! “Calm it down, Calm it down, Calm. It. Down.” (thank you for that quote, black woman with huge lips) I just don’t understand life! I do everything I can to cleanse my face of the monster, but it keeps following me! I could do birth control but I don’t want to add any more hormones to my body unless I HAVE to. I hate dermatologist. They don’t know what there talking about and I’ve never had a dermatologist ever clear a single blemish with their products. I did proactive for years and it worked, but not anymore (tear). I am allergic to every product in ance clearing solution (benzol peroxide, sylicic acid) and have had many doctors visits to prove it. Ever scene Hitch when he had his allergic reaction? Yep. Need I say more.

Well I am going to try these new product that my friends told me about. I have tried a little bit of it and I am not allergic. So I am buying the whole shebang. Please Please Please PRAY FOR ME for clear skin!!!! I firmly believe that prayers are answered when more people are sending the same message. I know I don’t have a terminally ill disease but I am at the end of my rope here!!! Thank you!!!!

I don’t know if I told you but I am on a personal holiday in Las Vegas this weekend! I left Thursday night and I come home Tuesday morning. Didn’t want to miss all my important clients at work aka I do it for the money. Spending time with my Uncle and Cousin and long time friends has given me a new perspective on life. Ultimately I enjoy it.

I have the best life in the World. If you asked me that yesterday around 4pm I would of strongly disagreed. Walking home from church in my 4 in heels and tears running down my face was not my finest moment. But it all started with comparing myself to others. One second I was writing down everything I was grateful for and the next I was wallowing in my failures and disappointments of not doing enough with my life. Do you ever feel like that? Does wondering that you haven’t fulfilled everything you could have bring you to the brink of self-doubt and loathing?

I want so bad to be the best I can and to change someones life as well as my own! What if I never get the opportunity to convert someone to the gospel? What if I don’t follow the spirit that one time and miss out on amazing opportunities in my life? Am I where I’m supposed to be?! The anxieties and doubt well up inside of me and overflow like a mafic lascivious lava in a raging volcano!!!

………………………………………………………………………………………………. Then it hits me……………………………… silence………………………………………………………….. the cool breeze, the next step on the pavement, the drying of tears, the sound of rushing cars……………………………………….. No resolution, just peace…………………………..

Marie Bee Images

I have never experienced something like it. Cliché as it might sound, but driving with the wind in my hair, my music playin loud, and God’s country all around me centered me like never before. It was the best drive I’ve ever been on….(wow didn’t think i could get serious? haha)

The reason for my lovely drive was a cousin’s mission homecoming on Sunday up in Park City. He just got back from Yeckin..blah blah, Russia! Have no idea how to pronounce it. ha. I kept asking him to speak in Russian, I think he was avoiding me by the end:) So it was a wonderfully filled day of food, family, mountains, and the spirit.

I can not explain how gorgeous the mountains are right now! The splash of red, purple, and gold paints the hills like bells in a choir. So unexpected, yet fitting at the same time. Driving with my windows down and wind in my hair was the only way to live the “Movie Moment”.

My favorite thing was when a small white private plane was flying right next to me as if I was in the air as well. It came down for a spectacular landing then took off again like a feather! Dangerously Calming. I was going to take a picture but I thought I should probably keep my eyes on the road:) lo siento!

I listened to a plathera of amazing chillax music, perfect for the mood. Artists like Damien Rice, Colbie Calleit, Michael Bubblé, John Mayor, Taylor Swift, and more strung through my speakers and out my window. With my accompaniment of course. This song Gavin Degraw came on and I almost lost it, I love it! I listened to it over and over, not joking. I have officially chosen it as my wedding song! Listen Here and you will fall in love too.

More Than Anyone by Gavin Degraw

“I’m going to love you more than anyone
I’m going to hold you closer than before
And when I kiss your soul, your body’ll be free
I’ll be free for you anytime
I’m going to love you more than anyone
Free for you, whenever you need
We’ll be free together baby
Free together baby”

Moral of the Story – With an experience like that I don’t think anyone can be unhappy. It cleared my veins and filled them with lightness. I feel so much better and am excited for what the future brings. Who’d a thought Heavenly Father created all of it for non other than our esthetic benefit?:) I can’t wait to go on another Sunday Drive!